ON THE PARSHA Parshas B'MIDBAR (B'Midbar 1-4:20) by Dovid Lipman NOTE: The old styles are being temporarily abandoned due to constraints on typing time. PART OF THE GROUP (1:49) "But the tribe of Levi do not count ... among the Jews." Rashi brings a Midrash explaining why Levi was counted separately. One reason: Hashem foresaw the decree that all men who were in the count, from 20 up, would have to die in the desert for the sin of the spies, so Levi was kept safe by not being in that count. The Sichos Mussar asks, why do we need several pesukim to state that Levi is counted separately? For one thing, I can see for myself they're missing from the main counting - the tribes counted are all listed! Also, I see the counting of Levi separately later in the parsha! He explains that there's a lesson in this that calls for emphasis. If Levi would have been in the count, they would have died whether they individually deserved it or not, because that's how you're treated when you're part of a group. The group isn't just a combination of parts - it's a new entity, greater than the sum of it's parts. That's why the Jews could only receive the Torah after they reached a high level of unity - "like one man with one heart" (Rashi, Shmos 19:2). The Jews as a GROUP deserved to receive the Torah, not individually, so they had to BECOME a group. WORTHY OF REPETITION (from last year's Worthy of Note) (3:45) "...and they [the Levi'im] shall be mine..." Although Levi is indeed singled out for the Service, the Rambam explains that Levi was also the spiritual core of the Jews, dedicated to learning Torah and attachment to Hashem their whole lives - but in this, the Rambam notes, they are not exclusive at all: "And not only the tribe of Levi, but any man in the world whose spirit propels him, and whose mind compels him, to become separated to stand before Hashem, to aid and serve Him, to know Him and act properly as He created him to, and who throws off the yolk of the many devices that men seek, he becomes sanctified as holy of holies; Hashem will be his portion eternally, and he will merit in this world that his needs be met, as was done for the Kohanim and Levi'im." (Mishneh Torah, Shmitah V'Yovel 13:13)