ON THE PARSHA Parshas Chayei Sara by Dovid Lipman, Jerusalem The World Of The Supernatural (25:6) "And to the sons of the concubines of Avraham, he gave gifts." The word gifts, Rashi brings from the gemara (Sanh. 91a), means he taught them the "name of impurity." The Da'as Z'kainim MiBa'alei HaTosfos explains that Avraham taught his other sons how to command the demons (shaidim) by using their names. He notes that the word "gifts", with its unusual spelling in our pasuk, has the same Gematria as "he taught them to command demons". A Time To Laugh (24:64) "She (Rivkah) saw Yitzchak, and she got off the camel." Why? Well, the gemara (Bera. 16b) says that one may not daven Shmoneh Esray on top of a tree, because one would not be able to concentrate, out of the fear of falling. The gemara (Pesa. 3b), based on the earlier pasuk (24:61) says Rivkah was frightened of falling off the camel. And the gemara (Bera. 26b) based on pasuk (24:63) says that Yitzchak had just come out to daven Minchah. (LaSuach means to daven, see Tehillim 102.) So maybe she saw him, realized it was time for Minchah, and got off the camel so she could daven also. Worthy Of Note (24:39) "Perhaps the woman will not go..." Rashi explains that the word "perhaps" is spelled like "ailei", meaning "to me", hinting to Avraham, if she won't come Yitzchak can marry MY daughter. R. Eliyahu Dessler (Michtav Me'Eliyahu Vol. 2, pg. 202) notes that the switch occurs only in Eliezer's retelling, not in the Torah's original report. He explains that people often look at things from a skewed point of view, based on personal interests. So too, Eliezer did not even realize his vested interest in "the woman not going", and he only noticed it later, when he understood that Hashem had chosen Rivkah for Yitzchak, and the Torah puts the switch at that point, to remind us to beware of this kind of subjectivity. From the Gemara (23:13) "I am giving you the money for the field; take it from me..." Kidd. 2a - Kiddushin (marriage sanctification) can be peformed with money, as is taught by the Torah's usage parallel, saying "When a man shall take for himself a wife", and using the same word ("take") when one gives money. (23:3) Bera. 18a - When one's deceased relative is still before him, he is exempt from Sh'ma, tefillah, and tefillin, . However, for one who must take care of the deceased himself, the body need not be before him, as we see from Avraham considering the deceased "from before me" even after "he arose from before his deceased". In such a case, the mourner is exempt anywhere. (24:63) Pesa. 88a - Hashem does not consider the Beis HaMikdash a mountain, like Avraham called it, or a field, as Yitzchak thought of it, but as a house, as Yaakov described it. Rare And Unusual Words (23:9) "Machpelah" Rav and Shmuel, the gemara says (Eruv. 53a) desagreed as to the implication of the word, which literally means "two-fold". One says it contained an upper and a lower chamber, and the other says it was populated by pairs of passed-away people: Adam & Chava, Avraham & Sara, Yitzchak & Rivkah, and Yaakov & Leah.