ON THE PARSHA Parshas VaYigash by Dovid Lipman, Israel Year 2, No. 11 Introduction This parsha, which tells how Yaakov's family reunited and relocated in Egypt, has five parts: 1) Yoseif Reveals Himself [RAUW] 2) Yoseif Sends for Yaakov [ATTL] 3) Yaakov Travels to Egypt [WON] 4) Settling in Goshen 5) The Famine Story 1. Yoseif Reveals Himself -- 44:17 (Beg.) to 45:15 Yehudah pleads with Yoseif to allow Binyamin to go home with the brothers, and he himself would be a slave in his place. Yoseif sends the Egyptians out and reveals himself, adding that "no hard feelings". Rare and Unusual Words (45:5,8) "Heina". Yoseif uses this word, meaning here, to refer to Egypt, and Yaakov is quoted as using it (44:28) to mean "now", as in "I didn't see [Yoseif] until now." In the gemara (Yevamos 3a) this word is used to link forms of immorality, so perhaps this connotation is meant: Yaakov knew Yoseif might be alive, but he had a vision of him in danger of succumbing to immorality, and that danger was the main one for which the brothers feared responsiblity, so Yoseif assured them it was a test sent from Heaven. 2. Yoseif Sends for Yaakov -- 45:16 to 45:28 Yoseif, with permission from Par'oh, sends wagons with his brothers to take Yaakov and the whole family to live in Egypt. At first, Yaakov can't believe it, but when he does accept that Yoseif is alive, he says he wants to go, to see him. A Time to Laugh (45:23) "...carrying the best from Egypt..." Rashi explains that it was wine. Why did the wine need ten separate donkeys? But we find in Mikeitz that the brothers rode donkeys. So Yoseif sent the food with mules, presumably with Egyptian riders, whom Yoseif couldn't allow to touch the wine, so he gave that to the brothers, who rode on donkeys. 3. Yaakov Travels to Egypt -- 46:1 to 46:30 The family stops in Be'er Sheva, where Hashem tells Yaakov that He'll protect him in Egypt, and Yaakov leaves confidently for Egypt. Seventy souls are the family of Yaakov at this time, and Yehudah is sent ahead to prepare for the resettling. Worthy of Note (46:1) "And Yisrael traveled..." In the second part of the trip, after Be'er Sheva, we see that Yaakov rode in a wagon - why aren't the wagons mentioned here? Perhaps Yaakov didn't want to lose the mitzvah of walking in the Israel where (K'subos 111a) "walking four amos" is a mitzvah - only after Hashem's assurance did he ride. 4. Settling in Goshen -- 46:31 to 47:12 At Yoseif's advice, the brothers get an isolated home in Goshen by identifying themselves as keepers of sheep, near which Egyptians won't live. Yaakov meets and blesses Par'oh, who at first is impressed at Yaakov's old age, which Yaakov downplays. From the Gemara (47:12) Bava Basra 123a - One opinion holds that Yoseif got the birthright Reuvain lost as a reward for supporting Yaakov in Egypt (with Rashi). 5. The Famine Story -- 47:13 to 47:27 [End] The famine, which ended in Yaakov's arrival, lasted two years, in which Egypt's livestock, and then its citizens, all became Par'oh's property in exchange for the needed food, at Yoseif's management. Yaakov's family then settled and prospered in Goshen. Do You Remember? - from the files of On the Parsha 1. Yocheved was "born on the border" - but why? 2. Weren't extra clothes for Binyamin favoritism? 3. Why can we still call Yaakov "Yaakov"? 4. Where do we learn the power of rebuke? 5. What are the two meanins of "l'horos"?